Recommended Reading
by Q.G. de Bakker
Evald Karlsten
Evald Karlsten
Hasselblad En bok tillägnad Victor Hasselblad
Hasselblad I am the camera
Gullers International AB, 1981
ISBN 91-85228-59-1 (Swedish)
ISBN 91-85228-61-3 (English)
ISBN 91-85228-67-2 (German)
21 x 30 cm, 122 pages
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Sören Gunnarsson
To mark the occassion of the 100th anniversary of Victor Hasselblad's birthday in 2006, Victor Hasselblad AB published a short biography.
The second part of this book contains a collection of photographs illustrating the life of Victor Hasselblad and the Hasselblad company's
The book was available only through Victor Hasselblad AB.
This biography is written by Sören Gunnarsson. Sören Gunnarsson has amongst other things worked as a freelance writer and was the editor for
the Swedish photographic magazines "Hasselblad Forum" and "Camera Natura". He was also one of the initiators of the Friends of Hasselblad Center association.
Sören Gunnarsson's also published a full biography of Victor Hasselblad in 2006, entitled "Victor Hasselblad - Mannen
bakom kameran" ("Victor Hasselblad - The man behind the camera").
This book is the result of many years of research and is based on extensive interviews and voluminous correspondence.
Apart from relating the story of the man behind the camera, the book also contains a record of Hasselblad camera models and describes the events that took
place when the company changed from analogue to digital photography.
This book was available in a Swedish language edition only until 2016, when Journal published an (updated) English language edition, with the translation provided by David Jefferey.
Sören Gunnarsson
Victor Hasselblad 1906-2006 A short biography
Victor Hasselblad AB, 2006
15 x 15 cm, 184 pages
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Sören Gunnarsson
Victor Hasselblad Mannen bakom kameran
Journal, 2006
ISBN 91-975770-1-4
17 x 23.5 cm, 372 pages
Sören Gunnarsson
Victor Hasselblad The Man Behind the Camera
Journal, 2016
ISBN 978-91-87939-00-6
17 x 23.5 cm, 428 pages
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Les Barry
The first book ever published in the U.S.A. about the Hasselblad camera. It offers instructions,
gives a description of the Hasselblad system available at the time (1959), and contains a discussion of medium
format photography.
A second printing was distributed in 1960 and a third printing in 1961. There was also a second edition
published 1965 by Universal Photo Books.
Les Barry
Hasselblad Photography Including a discussion of the 1600F, 1000F, 500C and the superwide
Verlan Books, Inc., 1959
Library of Congress 59-12541
15.5 x 23.5 cm, 128 pages
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Les Barry
Hasselblad Photography Including a discussion of the 1600F, 1000F, 500C and the superwide
Third printing, 1961
W.D. Emanuel / Focal Press' Hasselblad Guides
Publishing house Focal Press published a series of instruction manuals titled "Focal Camera Guides". Part of this
series were successive revised editions of the "Hasselblad Guide". The first edition of the "Hasselblad Guide" was published in 1962.
(An online copy of the 3rd edition is published on his site by Mischa Koning.)
W.D. Emanuel
Hasselblad Guide
Focal Press, 1962 -
12 x 16 cm, 72 + 40 pages
(The illustration shows the cover of the 3rd edition,
1969, SBN 240-44966-5)
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Heinrich Freytag
"Das Hasselblad Buch", by Heinrich Freytag, was published in 1967. The illustrations in this German language book were taken
from Focal Press' Hasselblad Guide, written by Walter Daniel Emanuel, with whom Freytag co-authored a number of other camera books.
The English language edition, "The Hasselblad way", was published in 1968, and at least six revised editions followed.
Heinrich Freytag
Das Hasselblad Buch
Verlag Die Schönen Bücher, 1967
13 x 21.5 cm, 303 pages
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Heinrich Freytag
The Hasselblad way
Wheaton, 1968
SBN 240-50649-9
Distributed in the U.S.A. by Amphoto
13.5 x 22 cm, 419 pages
Second edition, 1969, SBN 240-50649-9
Third edition, 1970
Fourth edition, 1972
Fifth edition, 1973
Heinrich Freytag
The Hasselblad way
Wheaton, Sixth edition, 1974,
ISBN 0-240-50896-3
Seventh, revised edition, 1978, ISBN 0-240-50988-9
Distributed in the U.S.A. by Amphoto
13.5 x 22 cm, 423 pages
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William Steinberg / Amphoto Camera Guide
William Steinberg
Hasselblad Guide
A manual of operations and techniques for the Hasselblad system
Amphoto, 1968
Library of Congress 68-16460
11.3 x 18.7 cm
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Toni Angermayer
A comprehensive guide to the mid 1970s' Hasselblad system, with the largest portion of the book providing a
how-to guide, taking the reader on a tour along the many different fields of photography.
Available in a German language edition only.
Toni Angermayer
Hasselblad Praktikum
Heering-Verlag GmbH, 1975
ISBN 3-7763-3350-2
17 x 22.5 cm, 355 pages
R. Gordon Taylor
"The Hasselblad System" by R. Gordon Taylor was first published as a series of reviews in the "British
Journal of Photography" in 1978. It is a short book, which gives a description of the operation of the 500-series
Hasselblad cameras (500 C/M, 500 EL/M and SWC), and discusses the lenses and accessories then available for these
R. Gordon Taylor
The Hasselblad System
Henry Greenwood & Co. Ltd., 1979
ISBN 0-9004-1418-9
Distributed in the U.S.A. by Focal Press
ISBN 0-8038-3057-2
14.5 x 21 cm, 64 pages
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Bob Shell / Guido Puttkammer
Photographer and journalist Bob Shell's book "The Hasselblad System" was published as part of "The Hove
Systems Pro Guides" series. "The Hasselblad System" contains a rather large number of errors.
The book was also published in a German language edition, "Das Hasselblad System",
revised and extended by German photographer and journalist Guido Puttkammer.
Bob Shell
The Hasselblad System
Hove Books, 1991
ISBN 0-906-44777-1
208 pages
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Bob Shell / Guido Puttkammer
Das Hasselblad System
Laterna Magica, 1993
ISBN 3-87467-405-3
15 x 21 cm, 256 pages
Dieter Beckhusen, Thomas Maschke and Guido Puttkammer
Dieter Beckhusen, Thomas Maschke and Guido Puttkammer
Hasselblad Das große Handbuch
Laterna Magica, 1996
ISBN 3-87467-674-9
20 x 25.5 cm, 280 pages
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Kaeru Nakayama and Takatoshi Sato
Kaeru Nakayama, Takatoshi Sato
Hasseruburaddo (Hasselblad)
Green Arrow Graffitti no. 41
Green Arrow Publishing co., 1998
ISBN 4-7663-3261-X
15 x 21 cm, 158 pages

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Ei Publishing
Hasseruburaddo (Hasselblad)
Ei Publishing co., 2009
ISBN13 978-4-7779-1280-3
15 x 21 cm, 203 pages
Ernst Wildi's Hasselblad Manual
The "Hasselblad Manual", written by Ernst Wildi,
is, as the subtitle promises, a comprehensive guide to the Hasselblad system, and a truly outstanding user
manual, providing instructions how to use just about every bit of equipment Hasselblad ever produced. It first
appeared in 1980, but was updated regularly to keep pace with developments of the Hasselblad system.
The current, 7th edition was published in 2008. And though Wildi writes that
"it would be a letdown for all of these long time
friends and loyal supporters of Hasselblad to see The Hasselblad Manual that only discusses digital imaging and
only the digital cameras that are manufactured today",
the nature of the book demands that a very large part of it is devoted to a discussion of the - predominantly
digital - H-system.
V-System users will find more usefull information in the 5th and older editions.
Ernst Wildi
The Hasselblad Manual A Comprehensive Guide to the System
Focal Press, 1980
ISBN 0-240-51042-9
16 x 23.5 cm, 301 pages
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Ernst Wildi
The Hasselblad Manual
Second Edition
A Comprehensive Guide to the System
Focal Press, 1982
ISBN 0-240-51186-7
16 x 23.5 cm, 302 pages
Ernst Wildi
The Hasselblad Manual
Third Edition
A Comprehensive Guide to the System
Focal Press, 1986
ISBN 0-240-51258-8
16 x 23.5 cm, 342 pages
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Ernst Wildi
The Hasselblad Manual
Fourth Edition
A Comprehensive Guide to the System
Focal Press, 1992
ISBN 0-240-80132-6
16 x 23.5 cm, 370 pages
The Hasselblad Manual
Fourth Edition, Revised
A Comprehensive Guide to the System
Focal Press, 1996
ISBN 0-240-80251-9
16 x 23.5 cm, 392 pages
Ernst Wildi
The Hasselblad Manual
Fifth Edition
Focal Press, 2000
ISBN 0-240-80385-X
16 x 24 cm, 379 pages
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Ernst Wildi
The Hasselblad Manual
Sixth Edition, Revised
Focal Press/Elsevier, 2004
ISBN 0-240-80613-1
17 x 25 cm, 360 pages
Ernst Wildi
The Hasselblad Manual
Seventh Edition
Focal Press, 2008
ISBN13 978-0-240-81026-3
19 x 24 cm, 416 pages
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One German language edition of Wildi's "Hasselblad Manual" was published in 1988. It is a translation of the
third edition, slightly revised and extended, with some information about the "3"-generation Hasselblad cameras.
Ernst Wildi
Das offizielle Hasselblad Handbuch
Rita Wittig Fachbuchverlag, 1988
ISBN 3-88984-055-8
17 x 23.5 cm, 426 pages
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Udo Afalter
Udo Afalter's book contains a listing of Hasselblad items. And a fair number of errors too.
Only available in a German language edition.
Udo Afalter
Hasselblad Kameras & Objektive
Published by the author, 1993
ISBN 3-920890-18-3
Distributed by Lindemanns Verlag
ISBN 3-89506-102-6
21.5 x 30 cm, 192 pages
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Richard Nordin
Richard Nordin's "The early Hasselblad cameras" is the first systematic, historical description of the pre-1957
Hasselblad cameras.
The "Hasselblad System Compendium" is the most complete Hasselblad system overview available.
Apart from providing large amounts of historical information, it lists every item Victor Hasselblad and his company
produced, and all there is to know about these items. It also provides an overview of brochures, leaflets, catalogues
and every other bit of printed matter Victor Hasselblad AB have published. The Compendium contains a list of Zeiss lens serial numbers
and production dates, provides information about camera maintenance, and lots and lots more.
In short - a definite 'must have' for every Hasselblad user, enthusiast and collector.
Richard Nordin
The early Hasselblad cameras:
1600F 1000F Supreme Wide Angle / Super Wide
Historical Camera Publications
ISBN 1-879651-19-0
82 pages
Richard Nordin
Hasselblad System Compendium
Hove Books, 1998
ISBN 1-897802-10-2
19.5 x 26 cm, 288 pages
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Copyright 2007, 2008, 2009, 2016 - Q.G. de Bakker. All rights reserved.
All material on this site is protected by law. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
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